In the mid nineties, every guy I knew seemed to be growing a goatee. At the time I thought it was the fashion, but I now suspect that it had more to do with my age. I was hanging out with guys like myself, all hitting thirty at the same time, all noticing their waistlines beginning to bulge, and all stumbling across the same disguise for the extra chins and blurring jawline. I had one myself.

After a few years, no amount of goatee could hide the fat even from my own indulgent gaze. A bout of unemployment (unwelcome at the time, but in hindsight very fortuitous) gave me six months in which to run five miles a day and swim another two, and as if by magic the weight went away, swiftly followed by the now superfluous fuzz.
I had done the goatee thing.
Now, I’m not suggesting that blogging is an attempt to hide the ravages of age, or indeed anything else. It has been stimulating and gratifying in its own right. I feel like I’ve made some good friends insofar as one can make friends this way. I’ve had fun, and hopefully I’ve entertained some of you too.
For all that, maintaining a blog is not the sort of thing that one can commit to doing forever, especially when you have four kids and an increasingly demanding job breathing down your neck. A year of this was fun, and I could go a while longer yet, but it will not always be so. I’d rather quit now while I still remember blogging fondly than wait until I resent it as a burden. So, as with the goatee, it’s time to draw the line.
I have done the blog thing.
Therefore this’ll be my last entry for the foreseeable future. I might do some tidying up with the labels, and I’ll leave the links up, but that’ll be it. I'll see you all at your own blogs every now and then – meanwhile, thanks for dropping by, and all the very best for the New Year.

It’s been a blast…
Dammit, does this put the onus on me to open a blog? Well, even if it does, I'm just far too lazy, so boo to that.
That was me.
Well, Canty, there's a vacancy now. Perhaps you and Des can tag-team it?
And Fumier, I did see that - it certainly added piquancy to the decision. Thanks for thinking of me...
This is a shame, Ivan, but I can't argue with your point about needing more time for your kids. In years to come you'll be able to tell them: "I gave up my blog for you!" They might then feel guilty and let you come to their beach parties.
Aw, that's a shame. While I only commented once (when the new Terrible arrived), I really enjoyed reading your blog. Perhaps now my employers will get a few more minutes of productivity from me. HA! Have a lovely future, Mr Terrible.
You cannot escape... once blogging is in your veins, it will pull on your soul forever more. And until the point comes when you give in and post again, I will bide my time!
What, are you kidding, Ivan? What's wrong with blogging, man?
Dude, if you keep doing it, it'll save you from the indignity of buying a red 'Vette when you hit 48--for we'll be here to warn you against such foolishness. Think about it. Don't burn all your bridges. You can at least put it on standby, like a Netflix account. We'll be here, in the interim.
I hope you don't stay away forever. It's been fun. God knows, I'm dealing with the kids' issues, as well, and can't seem to find the time to ruminate about stuff as I would wish.
Best of luck, Ivan.
GB - seeing as I am getting to be as wizened and hairy as a coconut, I think it's going to take more than a foregone blog to blag me an invite.
Lizzy - that's another cruel load of guilt to burden me with. Inspiring productivity is the last thing I would want.
Conrad - you name my secret fear. I just hope no-one powerful or famous does anything stupid in the next few days, or the temptation will become irresistable. Good thing they're all so smart and sensible, really, isn't it?
Des - good to know, thanks. But as I told Canty, you could always take vacant possession. Between the two of you there should be room for some good debates... :)
And Randall - keep on ruminatin', my friend. When you're ready to lay that burden down, you'll know.
Ivan I'm sad and shall miss you even if you never did put me on your side bar. I started Jan 14th and mean to keep going if only to see how my story ends. The norm I believe is two years.
You have had some nice commenters and some or maybe just one not so nice. Comment moderation is helpful I find. All best wishes for you and the family and I shall remember you fondly.oxoxo
Hate to post twice, but your blog has been eulogized.
All the best Ivan and thanks for the entertainment. I trust you'll still be cracking me up with your comments in Harry Hutton's blog. By the way, I too sport a goatee. But that's just to hide my rather large chin.
Hey fumier,
Don't confuse Ivan with a drugs cheat like Warne.
Ivan - 'spending more time with my family' is a much over-used cliche by disgraced politicians over here. I'm sure it doesn't apply in your case. It's been interesting, if a trifle jaundiced of late. Good luck to you.
Pi - thanks for the kind words. Apologies about the sidebar - I thought I'd put you up when I reordered it back in late summer, same time as I added Sam, but I guess I muffed it. I have corrected that now, and although it may have a vaguely posthumous air, it is sincerely meant!
Likewise, I'm sorry about the trolling episodes in the comments. Unfortunately I was stuck upon a point of principle, which is that everyone (even trolls) get First Amendment privileges, on the grounds that when they abuse them it says more about them than about their targets. I took a few slings and arrows myself, but the best policy is always to ignore them - the outraged response is what such individuals live for. Let them stew in their own bile, and move on.
As for your own blog, do press on - you have an end in sight because you have a story to tell. My life is still too random for that. Perhaps when I've figured out whether it's comedy or tragedy, I'll be back...
Rod - I'll see you there.
And Andrew - disgrace is my middle name.
So what should I put in my sidebar - Uncle Ivan, in abeyance? gone walkabout? resting?
If you do eventually start blogging again, here or elsewhere/otherwise, will you let us know? I'll miss the wit!
bon courage, et merci
How about DMS, f:lux? Dis manibus sacrum - sacred to the spirits of the dear departed. Sounds about right to me.
Good luck to you too, and if I ever restart, I will surely let you know...
Others who quit in their prime, while at the top in their fields:
- Jim Brown
- Michael Jordan
- Richard Nixon
- Edward VIII
- Napolean Bonaparte
As a Johnny-come-lately to this fun part of the blogosphere, I'll actually be able to entetain myself again for the first time by reading the archives. Hopefully, by sometime later this year, you will have come to your senses and resumed blogging.
I can't really cast stones, since my own blog languishes while I tend to my other pursuits.
Thanks for a great blog. Maybe I'll even post comments in the past posts to pretend like you're all still hanging around.
Ivan, I beg that you take your other responsibilities seriously, and not make an mockery of yourself by giving a half-assed effort like Jim Brown did in acting, Michael Jordan did in baseball, and Bonaparte did as a prisoner in exile. Your little The Terribles deserve at least a 7/8-assed effort. Keep them entertained, engaged, and off the streets.
Some things you should never confess to. Not even ont tinternet.
Aw, that's a shame. I've enjoyed reading this blog.
Thanks Ivan!
I thought it was because Sam was prettier, brighter and younger than me. She is of course all of that but I'm still happy to be there even if it is maybe, posthumously. Stay safe and be a good boy! See you at Jonny's.
This news is not doing anything to improve the rather gloomy day I'd already started to have. Sorry to see you hanging up your typing mitts, old chum. I shall miss you. Your daily wrath was definitely one of my favourites of all the wraths out there.
I understand the family thing though. It's only now that the girls are back at pre-school and our house is emptying of the 5-7 guests we've had coming and going over the festive period, that I've had any time to check in with you lot at all. And now, you're quitting too.
Thanks for all the fun, Uncle Vanya. Hope to cross paths with you again sometime, at least.
Thanks Ivan
Your rapier wit was unrivalled and immensely enjoyable. Your site of the week was always fun. Good luck.
what? what's going on here!?
honestly, i disappear for a couple of months, reappear for the new year, and things have just gone to pieces in my absence.
for shame!
but yeah, leaving on a high note is not a bad idea. and you're doing it for all the right reasons.
but don't forget the odd little semi-community you stumbled across, and pop back in from time to time.
and if you DO re-awaken blogglily, let us know.
Yeah, right. You'll be back bubba. You'll miss the attention of all your imaginary friends. Shame really, you're the only right-winger whose blog I'm fond of. BTW, I have discovered, the way to lose weight if you're approaching middle age (which we both are), is to get really really fucking ill, not grow a beard. I've lost a stone-and -a-half and can fit in all my old pants. Facial hair just don't make the cut mate.
Thanks again for the best wishes, Sam et al. I promise you'll know it if and when, Dracula-like, I rise yet again from the grave. I doubt getting really sick would do much for my output, tho', Rob, so I'll steer clear of that if it's all the same to you :)
Hey, necroposting!
Necroposting from the necropolis.
Still more necroposting! June 9th, 2007
This was made for you.
I saw your comment at Hutton's, so I know you're alive.
You don't call.
You don't write.
Get back in the bloody blog game, you sod, or we're going to have to come and get you.
And yes, it's late. And yes, I've had a beer or two.
But the family is in Germany and I could be Googling salacious phrases but I'm here.
So there.
That's what they call the gossamer bloatee, don't you know.
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