Visit 10,000
Domain Name ? (Network)
IP Address 70.130.140.# (SBC Internet Services)
ISP SBC Internet Services
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Missouri
City : Saint Louis
Lat/Long : 38.6385, -90.3026 (Map)
Visit 10,000! My little blog is growing up.
I suspect that, unlike for visit 5,000 a few weeks back, we can this time place a name to the visitor…
Time of Visit Apr 28 2006 1:44:34 pm
Last Page View Apr 28 2006 1:47:14 pm
Visit Length 2 minutes 40 seconds
Page Views 2
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Out Click 7 comments
Visitor's Time Apr 28 2006 12:44:34 pm
Congratulations, Randall! Even if it wasn’t you personally, it was one of your loyal fans who has done me the honour of tipping my total into five figures. My long-standing soft spot for Missouri, first inspired by that fine state’s most noble son Harry S Truman, just got that much soggier.
The Missouri State Animal is the mule, the sterile mutant offspring of miscegenating quadrupeds. Not what you’d call an obvious choice, but on reflection a very practical one. Kudos to those staid Missourians for extolling function over form. Their reputation for practicality and hard work is well earnt.
The Missouri Alphabet book, yesterday. No prizes for guessing the entry under “M”…