Thursday, November 16, 2006

Everyone’s a critic

I find my faith in natural justice momentarily restored as Sacha Baron Cohen is punched repeatedly in the face on a New York sidewalk.

Side-splitting funny-man Sacha decided on the spur of the moment to reprise his notorious Borat character on a passer-by, requesting to have sex with his clothes, whereupon the object of his attentions promptly beat him unconscious.

Seeing as mere eye-contact has been known to provoke pre-emptive stabbings from neurotic New Yorkers, many would argue that Borat got away lightly. Fortunately our very own Hugh Laurie, star of “House”, was there to salvage Sacha from the wreckage - a fake doctor rescuing a fake Kazakh from a very genuinely offended citizen. I’m sure there’s a clever metaphor on the ephemera of fame in there somewhere, but I’m just sorry that I wasn’t there myself to help out– by, say, holding Borat by the arms, or fetching a baseball bat.

The humblest copper in the land cannot pummel a dusky suspect without getting plastered all over YouTube nowadays, and yet no-one thought to capture this priceless piece of cinema verité on film. Where are the paparazzi when you need them?

Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat, yesterday. Now with authentically Kazakh-style missing teeth…


Desargues said...

Punched repeatedly in the face? Well, use that for make benefit great nation of Kazakhstan, Borat. Don' mess wid Nah Yohk, yo!

My German housemate just saw the movie tonight, and he reports it's a complete disappointment. I was sort of torn between the fale Kazakh and a local production of Mozart's Figaro this Saturday. Now I know where my money goes to...

Anonymous said...

"Throw the New Yorker down the well"

Lord Playboy

Thomas Pauli said...

Now, he *can* be a genius (
but that's surely not the same thing as talking to a new Yorker.

Thomas Pauli said...

*Sigh* links. Please search for "Ali G - Kobe Bryant" on YouTube.

Desargues said...

Instead of poking cheap fun at First Worlders and ex-Soviets alike, Baron Cohen better used his ill-gotten royalties to help the oppressed of the glorious nation he so jeers in that movie. Kinda like this guy. Buying every Kazakh a bottle of rum and a wife-beater may be a good beginning.

Pat said...

I could forgive him if he made me laugh. He just gives me the creeps!

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck should the Khazaks get all the joy? I want a bottle of rum and a wife-beater.

Anonymous said...

Fuckh Ghot mhy 'H' ihn the wrhong plhace.

The Aunt said...

Turkmenistan. It would have been SO much more fun.