Saturday, October 28, 2006

Begging the question

Quite frankly, I was unaware that I had any in the first place…

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.


Desargues said...

Do you take applications, Ivan? 'Cause I got the same result, myself. Maybe we shoudl set up an Eastern Seaboard Colonial Society of the Verbally Astute or something. Everyone belongs to some society or other in America, according to Toqueville. Why should we be an exception. Beats political party membership, anyway. And I'm not allowed to join a trade union, either.

But here's what puzzled me: the test said I'd make a great politician, among other thangs. Beg your pardon? Politician? I couldn't persuade my way out of a paper bag, much less get people to agree to any policy at all. I don't trust these tests.

Fat Sparrow said...

You're well screwed; I got the same thing.

The Dog of Freetown said...

Surely just by taking the test we immediately discount ourselves from possessing real intelligence. I'll take as many times as it takes to get me the result I want.

Ivan the Terrible said...

Come one, come all, and join ESCSVABCAA - the Eastern Seaboard Colonial Society of the Verbally Astute But Crap At Anagrams. Des - consider yourself President-for-Life...

Anonymous said...

Same result. It would appear that we all gravitate to the same blogs.

Birds of a feather, I suppose.


Ivan the Terrible said...

Very scary thought, Randall. We are obviously insufficiently diverse. Better beat the bushes for a couple of illegals and a pederast before the Democrats retake Congress, or they'll send us all to Guantanamo.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

Me too.

Gorilla Bananas said...

I was excellent at breaking nuts open. Also a dab hand at combining insects with green shoots to create a delicious mid-morning snack. Words are good, but they'll never compare with haute cuisine.

Pat said...

I'm going to take Kieran's option ie not doing it. What is 'on the fly'?

Anonymous said...

PI: 'as you are going along' pretty much sums it up. Having also passed The Test, I can be trusted on these matters. Verbally astute, or verbose & stout Ivan?

Anonymous said...

I'm a bodily kinesthetic kind of a guy, with an apptitude for firefighting. I will have to go and read different blogs.

Ivan the Terrible said...

There's a difference, Rob?

Don't go, Colin - we need at least one person with practical skills, in case the rest of us get stuck down a well or something. You've no idea how much time I lose to wells. Why doesn't anyone ever board the damned things up?