Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All work and no play

The Harvard Business Review indulges in a little schadenfreude, reporting that individuals in "extreme jobs" rake in the cash but only at the expense of their sex lives.

They define extreme jobs as entailing work weeks of 60 hours or more. 46 per cent of the corporate carnivores surveyed said that their jobs interfere with "having a strong relationship with my spouse/partner", with 50% having an unsatisfying sex life. The other 50% were presumably jumping their secretaries.

Excuse me while I unpack my violin. By that logic, I reckon I’m underpaid by a factor of ten. Tough line of reasoning to work into one's annual performance review, tho'…

Big big salary, teeny-weeny penis.


Desargues said...
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Desargues said...

Assuming there to be an inverse correlation between vigorous sex and hefty income, I can only say my paychecks these days are quite modest in size.

Unknown said...

I'm not making any money or getting laid enough. Fuck.

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