Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Show me some more of this Earth thing called voting

Suddenly, everyone's talking about Al Gore again. Obviously a long, hard look at Hillary will induce any number of psychoses, but how can one explain this particular mental aberration? The Telegraph has a persuasive theory...

Nine months after the Roswell Incident, Al Gore was born. It might not be a coincidence.

Poor Al. A whole life spent in training for a single job, for which he is obviously unsuited. Maybe he and Prince Charles can get together and open an organic food store or something?

Al Gore yesterday – still getting the hang of the controls on these pesky human bodies, eh?


Pat said...

Gore could sell the potatoes and Charles could spell the labels.

Thanks Des - I've copied and pasted and will give it a go.

Ivan the Terrible said...

Well, Gore is no Jack Kennedy, but he's no Dan Quayle either - I'm sure he could manage spelling "potato" correctly. It's the subsequent six hour speech on how he invented potatoes that would crimp sales, I fear.

The more I think about it, the more I think he and Charlie were made for each other. Like all wooly liberal idealist types, they'd be at each other's throats in no time over arcane points of ideological purity. It would be the ultimate reality TV show. Shame it'll never happen...

Pat said...

Owa tanas siam!

Ivan the Terrible said...

OK, Pi - I admit defeat. What on Earth is "owa tanas siam"? Not even Google (all hail!) seems to know.

The few references I found seemed to suggest that tanas means Satan. But that doesn't sound like you, judging by your blog, unless you ended up working in the hospital where Damien was delivered in The Omen...

Pat said...

Oh Ivan you have made my day!
O! What an ass I am!
All together now.
I missed the h out. Silly me

Ivan the Terrible said...

Aaaah. OK, got it now :)